Color Contrast

Don't underestimate the power of color! Striking color contrast is a design must-have for websites and apps. It boosts accessibility, readability, and keeps users hooked. Strong contrasts make text and graphics pop, ensuring everyone can easily grasp the content, including those with visual impairments. By using contrasting colors, we separate key elements - text from background, buttons from the rest, interactive features - making everything clear and user-friendly.

Color contrast plays a pivotal role in guiding users' attention and highlighting important information within a digital interface. Strategic use of contrasting colors can draw the eye to key calls-to-action, important messages, or critical alerts, thereby improving the overall user experience and facilitating task completion.

Browser Plugin

NoCoffee Vision Simulator - NoCoffee is an extension by Aaron Leventhal that simulates different visual impairments and demonstrates how web content would be seen through each of these impairments.

Useful Links and Plugins

Contrast Checking from WebAIM - Contrast and color use are vital to accessibility. Users, including users with visual disabilities, must be able to perceive content on the page.

Color palette builder - Great resource tool to help designers build color palettes with combinations that conform with accessibility standards.

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